Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy 25th Anni Mummy♥Daddy

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

4th April 2012
Yesterday was my mom & dad 25th wedding anniversary

Happy Anniversary mummy, daddy.!
 wish you happily ever after, InsyaAllah.
and may Allah blessed you two always..

Dear Mom,
I may not always mention
The love I fell for you,
Or how much I appreciate
The thoughtful things you do,
But you are loved much more
Than word could ever say,
All that you have given me,
Could never be repaid,
So I will just say 'Thank You'
And pray that you'll be blessed,
With all the things in life
That bring you happiness.
Dear Dad,
It is possible
To count the things
That you have done
To make the home
Within your care
A pleasant, happy one,
But it is possible
To let you know...
As this is meant to do
That there is no Dad
In the world
As wonderful as you.!

Love Always,
kakak, abang, adik.